Jufsoft - Contact Info |
Jufsoft Contacts |
Jufsoft Mailing Address (NOT for orders/checks, NOT for CDs, DVDs, Disks) |
Jufsoft Software
1901 60th Place, L1169
Bradenton, FL 34203
Web: http://www.jufsoft.com |
Cannot Receive Our Emails? |
Email is the only way for us to contact you. If you cannot receive our emails, the usual reasons are:
1. Your email account cannot receive incoming messages, email box full, email account was set to rejecting incoming emails e.g. some AOL account.
2. A spam filter is blocking them - look in your Spam/Junk/Held folder to see if the emails are there then set your filter to accept mail from us (support@jufsoft.com, sales@jufsoft.com). If you are not sure how to do this, contact your email provider for instructions.
3. You may have entered your email address incorrectly.
In cases above, please first check the spam folder. If no success, please try to write us again, and provide us an alternative e-mail address if possible.